1. Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

    Another year has come and gone! Many of you are probably feeling this as well, but for me, 2023 absolutely flew by! The year had plenty of excitement and adventures for me, with lots of travel and new experiences. With 2024 now a month old, I thought I’d look back at some highlights of 2023. A Bus…Read More

  2. Wicked West Comic Expo 2023

    It’s comic convention season! Saturday and Sunday, April 15th and 16th, saw the return of Wicked West Comic Expo at The Ranch Events Complex in Loveland. My friend Todd puts on this show, and now in its second year, was sure to be a lot of fun. I got there around 2:00pm on Friday the 14th to set u…Read More

  3. Where Have I Been?

    Where have I been? It seems like a legitimate question, especially since my last blog post was written and published on Dec 31, 2020 (wow, that seems like a long time ago). So what has happened since the end of 2020? Well, there's a lengthy answer to that question, and I won't dive into too much det…Read More

  4. Goodbye to 2020

    2020 was a particularly challenging year (I know because I was there). We saw the best of people and we saw the worst of people, and through it all, we endured changes and challenges we never thought possible. I know for me personally, I faced challenges personally, professionally, and even ecumenic…Read More

  5. New and Exciting Things Abound!

    Here it is, almost the end of August, and as we continue living much different lives due to COVID-19, I hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy. As for me, while I’ve enjoyed my time at home, both working and playing, I do have to say I’m ready to be able to travel again and see some f…Read More

  6. The Best of 2019

    Another year has come to an end, and a new year has begun. Usually these posts are written by the end of December, or at the latest, early January, but I figured that since this is my blog, I could post it whenever I want. 2019 was a pretty good year – let’s look at it month by month to see what…Read More

  7. The Special Edition Generation

    Let’s get one thing out of the way at the beginning – I love Star Wars. I remember discovering the original trilogy when I was in 5th grade, after hearing some classmates talking about lightsaber battles and X-wings and whatnot. I recall watching VHS copies of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes B…Read More